Your numerology cycles July 16–31

Calculate Your KEY Number
To find out what this month has in store for you, calculate your KEY number by adding the day and month of your birth. The KEY number is not your LIFE PATH number, it is the key to your cycle. Continue adding until you arrive at a single digit. For example, if your birthday is October 14, your KEY number is determined as follows: 10 + 14 = 24. Then 2 + 4 = 6, and you have the KEY number (6) that you will keep for life.
Key Number 1
Being there.
This cycle month’s energy continues to be about cooperation while staying in the background. This may be a time when conversation can prove to be very profitable, as long as your communication is totally authentic.
Harmony in all aspects of life is very desirable. Especially in the cycle month’s energy, creating a harmonious environment in your home soothes the anxious spirit.
Being there for others, holding a listening ear for problems, coming up with positive encouragement, and out-of-the-box solutions will be easy when you’re not thinking of yourself.
This cycle energy is about being helpful and totally present for the benefit of others. Remember, what goes around comes around.
It may be a little hackneyed, but being able to truly listen to what others are experiencing, then responding authentically and compassionately, is one of the gifts this cycle energy brings to you.
Key Number 2
Allow your natural exuberance to shine through.
It’s important to be careful not to scatter your energy into many directions. There are so many things to catch your imagination in this cycle month’s energy. Having too many things happening at once can be exhausting, and also causes difficulties with focus.
Your biggest challenge this month may be to learn to communicate straightforwardly. Authentically finding words to match your true emotions will present some challenges.
Take some time to slow down and smell the flowers. Summer passes very quickly.
Key Number 3
Efficiency is at your fingertips.
Under this cycle month’s energy you are more inclined to create order and to be efficient. You will also find yourself coming up with practical solutions or approaches to situations.
In this cycle months energy it’s important to have something to build or fix. A relationship, perhaps?
Be neat and orderly in your surroundings and it will cause you to feel more comfortable. In your relationships, it’s important to be thoughtful and considerate with loved ones. Staying close to home is likely to make you happier.
Use your common sense to solve problems.
Key Number 4
Freedom and change.
This cycle month’s energy is full of enthusiasm and excellent powers of observation.
But, remember that what you see does not necessarily need to be commented on. There may be a tendency to be observant and critical. Best to keep it to just observing.
This cycle energy lends itself well to travel, and it is a good idea to visit new environments if you can fit it into your schedule. It’s important to be moderate and as consistent as you can be.
This is not a good cycle month to commit to a relationship.
Key Number 5
Speak truth to power.