Your numerology cycles April 1–15

Calculate Your KEY Number
To find out what this month has in store for you, calculate your KEY number by adding the day and month of your birth. The KEY number is not your LIFE PATH number, it is the key to your cycle. Continue adding until you arrive at a single digit. For example, if your birthday is October 14, your KEY number is determined as follows: 10 + 14 = 24. Then 2 + 4 = 6, and you have the KEY number (6) that you will keep for life.
Key Number 1
Tidy up.
In some ways, you are in the perfect cycle energy for this trying time. Not that it’s easy for anyone to go through what is happening, but for you, in your personal cycle month, the opportunity for enforced isolation is an appropriate time to review what has been happening for the last few months. It will give you the opportunity to decide where you want to go from here.
This energy encourages completions and re-evaluation of what is really important.
Key Number 2
New resolutions.
In some ways, the enforced slowing of life may be more frustrating for you than for many. This cycle month’s energy is about starting over, so instead of taking action, you may have to put a great deal of energy into planning. It's not such a bad thing—making a slow, deliberate plan for the rest of the year in our new reality can be a gift.
You are, in some ways, much more fortunate because this cycle month’s energy has a little a ripple of optimism running under the surface of confusion.
Capture it and ride it. Make an action plan for when we are all free to take up our new lives.
It is a good idea to record your thoughts about the future. You can do it with technology, but it may be better to actually write it down.
Key Number 3
Find things to do.
In these trying times, it’s important for you to stay busy under this cycle energy.
It’s a sensitive cycle month. A time when even if we were not all experiencing the strange circumstances, you would be advised to keep a low profile.
So—in a way—it may be a bit easier for you to be a comfortable hermit. When you do communicate with others, be sure to remember you are not the only person experiencing strange and uncomfortable circumstances.
Find your own inner diplomat.
Spend lots of time cleaning not only your own paws, but all your other extremities.
You are under a water vibration this month: cleaning and grooming should be comfortable.
Key Number 4
Use your imagination.
This cycle month’s energy is not in tune with the rest of the world. Ordinarily the advice would be to reach out and socialize.
Not so easy in this new world.
Perhaps a great opportunity for using your imagination.
Think about creating a virtual dinner party. Cook something easy and encourage a friend, or friends to do the same.
Set a pretty table and eat the same food at the same time. Or – watch a movie at the same time with friends or family.
You are under a very creative energy. Don’t let it go to waste.
Key Number 5
Be a perfectionist.
In some ways, this is a perfect time to be living within a confined space. You can keep everything under control and see all the little details of your work.
This is a test cycle month, and in a test cycle month it’s always easier to follow the rules. It will also be a very good time to go back over the last few months and look at all the aspects of the foundation you have been creating.
You are a rock for those around you. Even though your usual routine is disrupted, you will still be able to create a strong platform for creativity.
This cycle month’s energy brings both blessings and challenges.
Careful not to fall into rigidity.
Key Number 6
Everything changes.
In this cycle month’s energy, everything changes—this is especially true for you at this time.
Although this is a disconcerting and changeable energy, there are also opportunities buried within. This can be very exciting. You are perfectly placed in your cycle to roll with the energy of change and unexpected events.
Look within and explore possibilities for doing things differently, and for accepting the possibility that these weird times can bring out your creativity and also be an opportunity for growth.
Remember to wash your paws.
Key Number 7
Focus on loved ones.
In this strange time, you may find comfort in nurturing others, even at a distance.
Though circumstances may limit physical love and nurturing, at least in some cases it can be done at a distance. Reach out to others through technology if you can. It’s amazing how comforting it can be to hear from someone who is going through the same scary experience as you are.
You are brave. And in this cycle energy, you have a natural tendency towards comforting others.
There is also a creative aspect of this cycle energy. Perhaps it is time to start a family memoir and share your memories with others in your tribe.
Key Number 8
Shelter in place.
If ever there was a good time for you in this cycle energy to be less social, this is it.
It is not comfortable for anyone, of course, but even if we were not in these strange circumstances this cycle month’s energy is appropriate for cutting down on social interaction and re-evaluating life. It’s a very sensitive energy, but also one in which you are more likely to enjoy the spiritual life.
Self-evaluation and asking the questions: Who am I? Where am I going? What do I want in my life from this time forward? is what you should be doing. Moreso than we all are at this time.
Use this time for tending to the spiritual life. Meditate, do yoga, and reach out only to people who are going to be supportive of your journey.
Key Number 9
Show your sensitive side.
Under this month’s cycle energy, it’s important for you to be aware that you may come across as a little authoritarian.
We are all under some stress, so perhaps it’s a good idea to put some of your energy into organizing.
You’re under the perfect energy for putting things together in a way that will make life much easier when things get back to normal.
Put energy into bringing dreams and visions together. Expand your ideas and re-evaluate some of your plans to see if they can be altered and perhaps become more serviceable, especially in career life.